Location: Valley of Fire, near Las Vegas, Nevada
Date: Tuesday, February 7th, 2017 – 11am to 5:30pm
Transportation from the Las Vegas Convention Center to the Valley of Fire and back
We will also be providing a beautiful lunch and gourmet coffee bar; as well as a few goodies to take home too!
Cost: $400 (Return attendees $350)
We are so excited to once again offer a wonderful shoot out in the stunning red rocks and breathtaking scenery of the Valley of Fire. We will feature stylized setups in an intimate, relaxed, easy paced setting this year. One of our goals is to provide you with lots of shooting opportunities to practice your skills, have amazing images to use in portfolios, get to know new friends, and have fun doing that! So we are really limiting the number of attendees this year! That means lots of shooting practice time for you. But it also means, if you want to come, don’t delay. You will lose out! Trust us, we turn away attendees every year we have done this! We won’t say it becomes a cattle stampede to sign up, but it kind of gets that way!
To keep our workshop innovative and fresh, we are focusing on providing some wonderful detailed floral necklaces for our models to wear. You will love the look of these cutting edge floral designs as well as geode stone decor included in our stylized sets. Stunning! And, courtesy of Rey of Light Seniors, we’ll have 2 fully styled high school senior girl models and a bride & groom couple as models. Come enjoy being with us in this stunning location and spend time creating with us! Our attendees in years past really rave about their experiences, and we love to hear that!
We have an amazing list of supporting vendors this year:
Our sponsors will be putting in for some giveaways and goodies as well:
To reserve your seat please email us at rachel@cactusandlaceweddings.com. Spaces are limited so make sure to contact us soon!
UPDATE: We’ve just add A HORSE to the shoot as well!! So now, it’s truly, not to be missed!