It’s Spring and you probably have a list of weddings that you are RSVPing for this season. We’ve had so many wonderful guests with our wedding couples! We love interacting and getting to watch the loving devotion of those wedding guests as they shower love and well wishes on the couple.
And we know that most guests are well-behaved and wonderful people, but maybe you’ve got a few loved ones who might need some pointers on wedding etiquette. Here are our top five wedding day no-nos:
#1: Don’t Get Wasted
This is one kind of a given, but sometimes people can get carried away. Yes, have a good time. Yes, take advantage of the bar. But be smart and pace yourself.

#2: Don’t Wear White (But DO Match the Wedding Colors)
Some parts of your outfit can be white, just be thoughtful about it. You don’t want to be that girl who thinks the dress is ok because it’s cream-white and becomes a virtual TikTok.
BONUS TIP: To be a superstar guest, dress in the wedding colors so you match the decor.

#3: Don’t Bring an Uninvited +1
Most weddings have a seating chart and every detail has been organized around a certain number of guests. Please don’t assume you get to bring someone with you unless specifically asked on the RSVP card or its address on the invite. Embarrassing for everyone if there is not a seat for your boyfriend or girlfriend. When in doubt, ask the couple when you RSVP.

#4: Don’t Give an Impromptu Toast
Weddings are very structured and extra toasts mess up the timeline. Unless you’ve been asked; don’t stand up. If you get up other people who have not been asked also get up and it rolls out of control. If you have something special to say, save it for the bride and groom and tell them privately during mingling or cocktail hour. They will appreciate that so much more.

#5: Don’t Use Your Phone During the Ceremony
A professional photographer and videographer is covering the ceremony; if you put up your phone that messes up the video and photos that the couple paid a lot of money for. If you’ve been asked by the couple to take videos or photos, just be respectful of the other guests and keep it in your lap while you stay seated for the ceremony.

As always, we wish you all wonderful wedding adventures! – The Cactus and Lace Team